3 Ways A Book Editing Service Can Improve Your Manuscript

If you're about to finish the final draft of a book, then you might be thinking about hiring an editor. However, you might not be sure how much polishing work the book needs.

An editor can offer various services here. Read on to learn about three common services you could use to get your book ready to submit to publishers.

1. Proofreading

Proofreading is a technical editing service. Here, an editor or specialist proofreader will read your book and look for errors. So, for example, they will check your spelling, grammar, word selection, and punctuation.

Even if you feel that you're pretty good at this stuff, it's actually hard to catch your own writing mistakes. You know what you wanted to write down, and your brain will see what you wanted to write rather than any mistakes you make.

So, without a formal proofread, your manuscript could go to publishers with spelling mistakes, grammatical and punctuation errors, and badly-chosen vocabulary. If an editor proofreads your book, then you eliminate these mistakes. Publishers won't be distracted by errors or inconsistencies.

2. Copy Editing

When an editor copy edits a manuscript, they take a more in-depth look at your writing. They use their skills and experience to help you improve your book.

While you might feel that your manuscript is pretty perfect, you won't find it easy to be impartial about it. Your book is your baby. You're too close to it to spot flaws.

During this process, an editor checks your book for flow, consistency, and clarity. If they feel that the book has a problem, say in inconsistent character development or unnecessary explanations, then they can highlight areas that need work.

While this might feel critical, copy editing is a non-critical process. You get an impartial and trained analysis of your book.

Your editor reads your work with an experienced eye; however, they are also a book-loving reader. This could be the first time that someone has actually read your whole book, so this analysis and guidance are vital to its future success.

3. Substantive Editing

Substantive editing gives the editor more direct control over your manuscript. Rather than just proofreading your book or highlighting areas of improvement, an editor will make more hands-on changes here.

For example, your editor might move, change, or delete sentences, paragraphs, or sections of your book that don't work right now. They might add to your writing to improve its clarity and flow. They use their experience to make improvements rather than leaving this to you.

A book editing service can offer any or all of these services. To learn more, contact book editing specialists and ask how their editors can help get your book through its final stages.
